"Part of the genesis of Immortality was the three years I spent making a Legacy Of Kain game that got cancelled": Sam Barlow on the making of his "interactive movie"

Before saying anything about film or game making, before even asking Immortality’s director Sam Barlow how he actually feels about the term ‘interactive movie,’ there’s one question we find more pressing: what’s a Half Mermaid anyway? Barlow jokes, “Wow, that’s our 45 minutes gone,” before offering what he calls a “comprehensive short answer.”

Barlow self-published 2015’s Her Story on PC, but for his next game, Telling Lies (which debuted on PC in 2019 before coming to PS4 in 2020), he was told he needed to create a business entity to contain things – a production company, essentially. Tasked with creating a list of fairly unique names on a tight deadline, Barlow borrowed one of these from “a theoretical screenplay I have not written but would love to write.”
